Praise hands! You finally made it. I wanna help spread the good word. 

Praise hands! You finally made it. I wanna help spread the good word. 

I've been livin' on a prayer that someone would get my offering and reach out for this little bit of design fun.

After some (not so) light stalking on Insta, I saw you fine folks at Preacher might be in search of some graphic designers. I sent ya an email with my resume as requested, but figured I'd reach out a few other ways in this pilgrimage as a wanna be Preacher-er. 

I'm a creative director/designer. Based in Austin. And I'd bring a lot to your team. I hope you'll keep me in mind as you're looking for talent, now or in the future. 

Click here for a little something I put together for you. Every time you click, a design angel will get their wings.

Thanks for dropping by.

Email me.
Or call me: 773.531.5182
